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Ecocinema Reception Ideas

2011 June 15
by ahageman

Has anyone designed and/or run reception studies on audiences of eco films? I have in mind pre-screening questionnaires, post-screening questionnaires for some quantitative analysis as well as focus groups pre and post for qualitative. I’m involved in a small film fest this year and running a campus screening series and plan to do a study so we don’t all just show up, enjoy our popcorn, watch eco crises, then head home.

Resources or experiences much appreciated.


2 Responses leave one →
  1. smonani permalink
    June 16, 2011

    Hi Andy, yes, I have done something similar but very informally, in my Environmental Film class. Also, an independent student of mine, Brian Kelley, who is now in the Environmental Filmmaking MFA program at American University, had perhaps the best data (an audience of about 200) for the premier of his film (On the Fence). He kept his survey simple (four questions) but we both recognized that the audience demographics (primarily college students interested in environmental issues) do skew the results.

    I also know that film festivals such as FLEFF routinely collect data; it might be good getting it touch with the organizers at Ithaca College or other places such as Eckard with established film festivals.

    Good luck.

    PS: I’ll put a plug in for Brian: 🙂

  2. Steve Rust permalink*
    June 22, 2011

    You may also want to check out the collection Sean Cubitt helped edit STUDYING THE EVENT FILM: LORD OF THE RINGS.

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