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Animating Sustainability

2012 June 14
by Shared by Steve Rust

The University of Oregon Office of Sustainability produced this three-minute animated video that summarizes recent efforts to conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. I learned that 42% of the university’s greenhouse gas emissions are produced by airline travel alone – for conferences, sporting events, and other activities. Makes you think twice before flying to your next conference.  And although I will miss the mental and physical interaction with white printer paper and black ink, after cleaning out my confidential student recycling and filling a paper box with two terms worth of exams and research papers I’ve decided it’s time to go from 50 to 90% wireless in my grading by this time next term. If your university is doing anything similar to advocate sustainable practices please let us know or post it here.

One Response leave one →
  1. smonani permalink
    June 25, 2012

    Steve, a timely post, given how many schools are working on sustainability initiatives and joining organizations such as AASHE ( The senior capstone class at Gettysburg focused on the college’s sustainability plans this past fall. There’s a link in the news feed on the Environmental Department website, “ES Senior Seminar develops sustainability plan for the college,” ( that should take anyone directly to the page where their study can be downloaded. It’s pretty detailed and it’ll be interesting to see how and what ways the college moves forward.

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