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Four SCMS panels that are explicitly Eco-designated and…

2012 February 10
by smonani

With SCMS annual conference about a month away (March 20-25), I thought I’d post my quick look-see at eco-related panels and papers (see below).


Four explicitly designated eco-panels

Thursday, March 22, 2012 03:00PM-04:45PM

H1: Eco-horror, Defined; Room: Alcott

Chair: Drew Beard (University of Oregon)

Stephen Rust (University of Oregon), “Postmodern Eco-horror and Youth Dysculture in The Wall (1982)”

Kendall Phillips (Syracuse University), “Eco-horror and the Nation-State: Imperial Gothic in the Films of Neil Marshall”

Tiffany Deater (State University of New York, Oswego), “From Supernatural to Unnatural: The Rise of Eco-horror”

Drew Beard (University of Oregon), “Defining Eco-horror, or, Why It’s Always Shark Week”


Friday, March 23, 2012 09:00AM-10:45AM

 J22: Ecocinema 1: Objects, Objectives, Objections

Room: Winthrop

Chair: Salma Monani (Gettysburg College)

Salma Monani (Gettysburg College), “From Cuts to Dissolves? The Evolving Field of Ecocinema Studies”

Andrew Hageman (Luther College), “Ecocinema, Ideology, and Dreams of a Clockwork Green”

Adrian Ivakhiv (University of Vermont), “From Environmental Films to Eco(philosophical) Cinema”


Friday, March 23, 2012 12:15PM-02:00PM

 K11: Ecocinema 2: Eco-effects and Affects: From Audience Cognition to Resource Consumption

Room: Franklin

Chair: Andrew Hageman (Luther College)

Respondent: Toby Miller (University of California, Riverside)

Alexa Weik von Mossner (University of Fribourg), “Objects of Emotion: Cognitive Approaches in Cine-ecocriticism”

Helen Hughes (University of Surrey), “The Toxic Materiality of the Eco-Doc”

Paula Willoquet-Maricondi (Marist College), “Media Technology, Ecocriticism, and the Sustainability Movement”


Saturday, March 24, 2012 03:00PM-04:45PM

 P14: Cinema, Oil, Disaster: Ecological and Post-industrial Issues in Contemporary Media

Room: Lexington

Chair: Claudia Springer (Framingham State University)

Mona Damluji (University of California, Berkeley), “Big Oil on the Big Screen: The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company’s Persian Story”

Nadia Bozak (University of Toronto), “Topographies of Destruction: Oil Security and the Representation of Eco-War in Peter Mettler’s Petropolis

Jen Caruso (Minneapolis College of Art and Design), “Eco-disaster, Post-industrial Aesthetics, and The Road

Claudia Springer (Framingham State University), “Eco-disaster and Creative Re-use: From Road Warrior to Garbage Warrior


These two panels also appear obviously ecocritical:

Saturday, March 24, 2012 09:00AM-10:45AM

M12: Trash, Contamination, and Dirt on Screen

Room: Gloucester

Chair: Kara Andersen (Brooklyn College)

John Powers (University of Wisconsin, Madison), “Contamination and Intentional Allegory: The Strange Case of Todd Haynes’ Safe

Kara Andersen (Brooklyn College), “The Demiurge of the Discarded: Mr. Stain on Junk Alley

Chelsey Crawford (Oklahoma State University), “Coveting Imperfection in the Digital Age”

David Lerner (University of Southern California), “Smells Like Lowbrow: Odorama in John Waters’ Polyester


Saturday, March 24, 2012 03:00PM-04:45PM

 P19: Representing the Post-industrial City: Film, Television, and the Geography of Unproductive Urban Centers

Room: Thoreau

Chair: Stanley Corkin (University of Cincinnati)

Stanley Corkin (University of Cincinatti), “Free Markets, Free Drugs, and Post-industrial Baltimore in The Wire

Nathan Holmes (University of Chicago), “Synthesizing the Post-industrial City: Location and Form in Detroit 9000 (1973)”

Paul Newland (Aberystwyth University), “Deregulated Isthmus of Enterprise: The Isle of Dogs on Film and Television since 1979”

Mark Shiel (King’s College London), “Post-industrialism and the Cinematic Landscape of Los Angeles”


And, here’s Claire Molloy’s environmentally focused paper in:

Saturday, March 24, 2012 01:00PM-02:45PM

O18: “Indie” Politics: Political Filmmaking and Contemporary US Independent Cinema

Claire Molloy (University of Brighton), “Environmental Politics in the Age of ‘Indie’ Eco-entertainment.”


Considering ecocinema’s broad purview, I’m keen to add to the list as others see papers that are not as explicitly marked but nonetheless take an ecocritical perspective.  Please send in your additions, so I can add them to the list.



2 Responses leave one →
  1. srust permalink*
    February 16, 2012

    Fantastic! Here are a few others that look interesting and possibly eco-related just in the first session:

    A2: Cyborgs, Avatars, Immigrant Terminators: Eye-Jabbing Aesthetics and the Cinematic Body

    Allison de Fren (Occidental College), “Eye Robot: The Critical Function of the Visual Uncanny in Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence”

    Bruce Bennett (Lancaster University), “An Eye-Watering Aesthetic: Avatar and the Technological Fantasies of 3-D Cinema”

    Katarzyna Marciniak (Ohio University), “Immigrant Rage Fantasy and Mexican Terminators: Robert Rodriguez’s Machete”

    A8: Cinema and Community/Cinema as Community
    Jennifer Malkowski (Smith College), “‘It’s Not Your Story’: Ethnography, Community, and Collaboration in Ten Canoes”

    Megan Vrolijk (San Francisco State University), “Codependent Lesbian Space Aliens Coming to a Town Near You: Community Building as a Road to Distribution”

    Mark Hain (Indiana University), “‘Community History Is Film History’: Remembering through Repurposing in Echo Park Film Center’s Youth Filmmaking Project Edendale Follies”

    Colleen Kennedy-Karpat (Bilkent University), “Bringing Hollywood Home: Maintaining Movie Connections in Rural Pennsylvania”

    A13: Index, Ontology, and the Digital 1
    James Boman (San Francisco State University), “Bodies in Evidence: Art, Death, and Document in Stan Brakhage’s Autopsy Film”

    Lindsey Lodhie (Harvard University), “Re-siting the Real: Eric Baudelaire’s Sugar Water”

    Heidi Cooley (University of South Carolina), “Reality Augmented: Index, Record, Biopower”

    Vinicius Navarro (Georgia Institute of Technology), “Circuits of the Real: Nonfictional Media, Network Connections, and the Limits of Representation”

  2. smonani permalink
    February 24, 2012

    Fabulous! Thanks, Steve!

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