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CFP: Environmental Utterance – A Performative Conference

2012 February 28
by smonani

University of Falmouth
September 1-2, 2012

Submission deadline: March 31st.

What is the relationship between structures of dissemination and the environment that our (creative) practice is concerned with/seeks to convey?  What is the relationship between the academic environment and the work we produce?  How do we utter (repeat/recreate) our environment?

We invite poets and writers, artists, academics, social and environmental scientists, performers and musicians, and others, to submit proposals for 20 minute papers/presentations/performances that practically consider/reflect upon/perform ways of uttering environment. We seek work that explores the phenomenological sense of speaking with environment. We encourage the use of a diverse range of media as part of this dialogue. Participants are invited to find new ways of expressing their research and/or artistic practice in a conference setting that reflects upon this process of adaptation as a process of practical enquiry. For full details of this call please visit our website:

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