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2013 June 8
by scubitt

Necsus  European Journal of Media Studies has a special issue on ecocriticism (with some familiar names). I’ve only read Barbara Creed’s piece so far and it is excellent. The journal is open access

Nenette: Film theory, animals, and boredom by Barbara Creed

Greening media studies: An interview with Richard Maxwell and Toby Miller by Jaap Kooijman

‘Global warming is not a crisis!’: Studying climate change skepticism on the web by Sabine Niederer

Painting the town green: From urban teleology to urban ecology in New York cinema, 1960-present by Brady Fletcher and Cortland Rankin

A filmic exploration by means of botanical imagery: Notes on Rose Lowder by Enrico Camporesi

Dialectical modes of nature in Terrence Malick’s The Thin Red Line by Tyson Wils

Her green materials: Mourning, Melancholia, and not-so-vital materialisms by Catherine Lord

Disharmonious designs: Colour contrast and curiosity in Jane Campion’s In the Cut by Liz Watkins

Greenface: Exploring green skin in contemporary Hollywood cinema by Brady Hammond

Scalar entanglement in digital media ecologies by Sy Taffel

and two review pieces

From Chernobyl to Fukushima: The Uranium Film Festival review by Courtney Sheehan

Indigenous film festival as eco-testimonial encounter: The 2011 Native Film + Video Festival review by Salma Monani

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